Overview Advantages Cost Benefits Case Study

Sentury Software

Software Overview

Sentury Software.com
Surpassing Standards ©

Sentury™ is an all-hazards emergency management and business continuity tool that integrates all phases of planning into a seamless process. Its systematic approach comprises hazard and risk identification, prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, and continuity. Sentury™ is designed according to international standards and supports full compliance with CSA Z1600-2008, NFPA1600-2010, BS 25999-2007, and ASIS SPC1-2009.

Vancouver 2010 Olympics

Sentury™ was the cornerstone of the Bell Canada Vancouver Olympics Security Centre. It was the core platform used to manage of all aspects of the Bell security plan and was the primary response tool for the Bell Security Team. As a Premier National Partner for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, Bell had a significant presence at the Games. Bell hosted 500 VIP and VVIP guests—including Stephen Harper, Richard Branson, and Sarah McLachlan—and controlled numerous promotional and operational venues in downtown Vancouver and at Whistler. Sentury™ enabled Bell to set up and coordinate the activities of their security command centre on short notice, efficiently manage their extensive security responsibilities, and document the successful implementation and outcome of their emergency management and business continuity plans.

G20 Summit, Toronto

University of Toronto relied on Sentury™ to organize their emergency management and business continuity plans for the G20 Summit. Sentury™ allowed the University to coordinate the diverse activities of a large response team, which included the G20 command centre, the Campus Police command centre, the Toronto Police Major Incident Command Centre (MICC), University management, and all operational members. During the pre-response planning activities, the University used Sentury™ to develop detailed prevention and mitigation strategies that served as the basis for the upcoming response to the event. In the course of the event, the software became the platform for coordinating all roles and responsibilities, including dispatch, intelligence, operations, and decision making. In addition, Sentury™ provided an auditable record of all incidents, inputs, decisions, and actions taken during the G20 Summit. Comprising over 200 buildings and covering 176 acres of the downtown core, the University faced significant impacts, but successfully avoided all property damage and prevented all injuries to students and staff.

Software Features

  • integrates emergency management, business continuity, buildings, and governance
  • supports all existing and emerging standards, guidelines, and best practices, including:
    • NFPA 1600-10 (American Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs)
    • CSA Z1600-08 (Canadian Standard on Emergency Management and Business Continuity)
    • BS 25999-2:2007 (British Standard on Business Continuity Management)
    • ASIS SPC. 1-2009 (Organizational Resilience: Security, Preparedness, and Continuity Management Systems)
    • FEMA PS-Prep (Private Sector Preparedness Accreditation and Certification Program)
  • incorporates vision, leadership, and policy into all department and business-unit plans
  • seamlessly integrates all phases of emergency management (preparedness, prevention, mitigation, response, recovery, and continuity)
  • follows the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) approach
  • integrates anticipation, identification, and assessment of hazards, threats, risks, and impacts
  • identifies the key resources, infrastructure, tasks, and responsibilities required to support critical operations
  • facilitates anticipation and prevention of hazards and threats
  • facilitates mitigation of impacts
  • provides the mechanism for the development of plans and procedures for preparedness, response, recovery, and continuity
  • automates plan creation (response, recovery, and continuity)
  • provides the mechanism for the development of internal and external communications procedures
  • provides the framework for a continual improvement process
  • facilitates the maintenance of plans and procedures, thereby ensuring their currency and relevance
  • provides training and exercise management
  • creates accountability tools
  • identifies compliance issues
  • includes provisions for monitoring and reviewing the completion, performance, and effectiveness of the system
  • provides management of budgeting and legal issues
  • accounts for dual-responsibility units
  • focuses on the development of strategic alliances and mutual aid agreements
  • provides central access for information systems
  • provides timely access to accurate plan information
  • provides timely access to building information
  • high-security data storage and transfer
  • auditing, archiving, and reporting capabilities
  • supports multiple formats (PDF, video)
  • software as a service
  • Web-based access 24/7
  • tactical information for police
  • user-friendly tutorial style