Glenn Phyper Craig Stevenson

About Us

Craig Stevenson

Craig Stevenson is the senior analyst for Challenging Risk. Specializing in the social and historical determinants of successful emergency management and business continuity policies and programs, he is the driving force behind the development of the Comprehensive Resilience Model. His current work focuses on the existing divide between the practical and academic spheres of emergency and continuity planning and explores the possibilities of integration. He has spoken on organizational resilience planning strategies at numerous conferences throughout North America and has published two articles in the Journal of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. He is responsible for the development, maintenance, and performance of Sentury Software™ and provides training to clients. During the G20 Summit, he represented Challenging Risk as an intelligence officer in the University of Toronto Security Command Centre. He holds an Hon. B.A. and an M.A. from University of Toronto, where he is currently completing his Ph.D.